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Meeting Minutes: January 21, 2016

InfoEyes Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
via Online Meeting Room Provided by Accessible World


Catherine Durivage, Herrick Heitman, Dan Malosh, Linda Rossman

Statistics Report:

Catherine reported that Dan will be posting the statistics soon, but that they are now accessible on the website through an excel spreadsheet. There were 5 questions in December, with 8 answers sent and 63 questions, with 70 answers sent this past year. We all thanked Dan for his excellent work making the statistics so usable and beautifully presented on the website!

Update on Publicity:

Linda reported that an article she, Catherine, Dan and Kim have worked on is now ready for publication in the NLS News, and Kim is now submitting it. This is a background article meant to attract the interest of other NLS system librarians, so that they will perhaps think of joining our service. Catherine also pointed out that some librarians outside of the NLS talking book system also receive the NLS News so they may be interested in our service as well.

Other Business:

Linda asked how things are going in Washington state with busy schedules, etc. and said she appreciates their contributions to the service. Herrick said Washington now has a new Children's Librarian, Marian Mays, who is going to be helping on answer InfoEyes questions.

Next Meeting:

The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 21st.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Rossman

Reference Services Librarian, Perkins Library
Co-coordinator, InfoEyes
175 North Beacon Street
Watertown, MA 02472